Take Your Time (Do It Right)

Like many of you, I enjoy a good cup of coffee. Sure, instant coffee will do if you’re flagging and pressed for time. But if good coffee is important, you’ll invest time and energy to make sure it’s brewed properly.

Because if you want something done right, don’t rush it.

A while ago, I was helping a client design a ballot for their organization’s upcoming election. The client figured creating the ballot would be simple enough. Since there were only two open positions, the ballot would only need two questions and an introductory paragraph. Easy enough, right?

Well, not exactly.

A few hours later, I received calls and emails from my client who realized some essential items were missing from the ballot, including candidate bios and photos. We scrambled to complete the survey and distribute it the next afternoon.

Despite our last-minute mad dash, the client still forgot to add one of the candidates. So the survey had to be quickly taken down, edited and re-distributed. And while the final version looked professional and including everything the client wanted, the process was far more stressful than was necessary.

Preparation and review would’ve prevented many of the mistakes that were made during this survey launch — and saved us both plenty of headaches. It’s a lesson we all know, but sometimes it bears repeating: take your time, and do it right (the first time).

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